Based in the heart of Antwerp, we are a leading company with over 4,000 satisfied international customers.

We are known for our expertise in the purchase and sale of both modern and vintage top luxury brand watches. With us you buy not only a watch, but also the certainty of authenticity, legal origin and a service supported by years of experience.

Passion, professionalism and attention to detail are at the heart of our approach. Whether you are looking for a watch for everyday use or considering an investment, we always offer honest and expert advice.

We are polite, respectful and friendly to everyone, regardless of nationality or religion.


Watch Expert was founded by Khatchatour Mkrtoumian.

With over 20 years of experience as a collector and 13 years of professional expertise in the trade of rare and exclusive watches, he has built up a profound passion and extensive knowledge. Through thorough research and study, he has specialized in the world of high-end timepieces.

Khatchatour is a member of the Belgian Chamber of Experts (KGSO-CEJA), specializing in fine mechanical watches. He is also certified as a diamond grader by HRD Antwerp since 2013.

His expertise is recognized by collectors, jewelers, watch dealers and even the Belgian Federal Police, who consult him for valuations and authenticity checks. His knowledge of vintage watches is constantly supplemented by current research on modern wristwatches, giving him a deep insight into both worlds.

He regularly visits international watch fairs and follows auctions to keep abreast of market trends and prices.

His reputation is his greatest asset, and he guarantees that every watch he buys and sells is authentic and of legal origin.

We thank you for your interest in our company and look forward to welcoming you to our office.